We are committed to transparent and open disclosure about our sustainability-related management approach, business practices and actions. Our key reporting and disclosure documents are included below.
We communicate our sustainability progress on the topics that are most material to our stakeholders and business in our annual reports.
Previous Annual and Sustainability Reports
Pilbara Minerals has a strong and ongoing commitment to respecting global human rights – the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery, freedom of opinion, and the right to work and to an education. We prepare Modern Slavery Statements in accordance with section 16 of the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Act), and publish these statements annually, providing further detail as to how our actions address and prevent modern slavery and continuous improvement of these processes year on year.
2021 Modern Slavery Statement (voluntary)
To support the identification of potential high exposure regions/products as part of our commitment to respecting human rights, we conduct a risk assessment before the engagement of a supplier. Read more about Pilbara Minerals’ supplier onboarding and stages of modern slavery review.
In line with our commitment to sustainability, our corporate governance policies prioritise maintaining the highest standards of business ethics and good governance practices to ensure responsible stewardship of environmental, social, and economic resources.
Corporate Governance Statement 2024
Corporate Governance Statement 2023
We released our inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, focused on creating enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with Traditional Owner partners and local communities surrounding the Pilgangoora Operation.
Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
We are committed to fostering gender equality in the workplace. Our Gender Pay Equality Statement, released alongside Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) reporting, outlines our commitment to ongoing improvements in gender diversity and addressing the gender pay gap.
2025 Gender Pay Equality Statement
2024 Gender Pay Equality Statement
We have released our medium-term Power Strategy which is aligned with our strategic ambition to become a sustainable battery materials producer, as well as driving ongoing operational cost savings.
Industry associations serve as a valuable platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing and collective advocacy on issues impacting our industry and community. We recognise the value in aligning with organisations that represent similar interests to raise industry standards to keep our industry safe, competitive and sustainable.
Current industry associations and memberships
UN Global Compact
We are a participant in the United Nations Global Compact and committed to its Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
We value your feedback. For additional information or to share comments, please reach out to our Sustainability Team.